About Sang Bleu Elementary
Welcome Address

Brief History Of Sang Bleu Elementary

Our Ethos

Open mindedness
Understanding that there is more to life than what we immediately know is paramount to learning

Love and Respect
At Sang Bleu we teach by showing learners love, we constantly explain to our pupils the importance of mutual respect.

Innovation and creativity
Children have an innate ability to be creative, we nurture our ‘beginners mind’. Pupils will always be engaged in activities designed to foster creativity and innovation.

Team work/ sharing
Learners are made to work in teams on special projects, to enhance their interactive skills, to drive a healthy competition and most importantly they learn to work with each other

Academic excellence
Academic excellence is the inevitable end result of our learning styles; we have mastered the art of making teaching fun, the environment in school prompts an eagerness to learn. Our school is grooming pupils with the love for self-development.

High moral standards
A brilliant mind without a sense of right and wrong cannot fully be accessed nor or explored. We imbibe (morals, responsibility and respect) in our pupil’s (morals, responsibility and respect). We teach learners to be open minded in their thinking but also to be respectful, sensitive, honourable and strong in their decisions and actions.
Vision & Mission

Vision Statement
To reform the thought process of every child beyond the norm.
To shape their minds to only want better for themselves and their community.

Mission Statement
To create a thought provoking environment that will enhance the progress of each child.
Foster intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among learners.
To learn as knowledge unfolds.
Management Team

Ms. Vivian Ebede
Head Teacher

Ms. Osazee Maris
Head of Nursery

Ms. Glory Okon
Administrative Manager

Mr. Sam Ojo
Head of IT